Check out this easy Earth sensory bin that is perfect for Earth Day!
An Earth sensory bin is a fantastic idea to celebrate Earth Day. It engages children in hands-on and playful exploration of textures and colors associated with our planet. Including elements like blue and green rice, added with some pictures of animals can make it both educational and entertaining. This sensory experience encourages sensory development, imaginative play, and a deeper connection to the theme of Earth Day. It’s a creative way to celebrate and learn about our environment.
I also added our book, De gele ballon, and we talked about the different scenarios found all around the world.

How to create an Earth sensory bin:
Materials needed:
- Round wooden tray
- Cardboard animals
- Wooden spoon
- Wooden bowl
For the colored rice:
- Food coloring; blue and green
- 1 cup of rice
- 1/2 cup vinegar
- Container with lid or ziplock bag
- Paper towel
For the colored rice:
- Fill the ziplock with a cup of rice.
- Pour the vinegar.
- Pour a few drops of the blue food coloring.
- Close the ziplock.
- Mix and spread the food coloring with the rice.
- Add more drops until you reach your desired hue.
- Pour the colored rice evenly on the paper towel and let dry.
- Do the same to the green rice.
How to set up:
- Fill the tray with the blue and green rice, creating the Earth.
- Arrange the animals on top.
- Prepare spoons and bowls on the side.
- Invite kids to play.


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