If you’re in search of an enjoyable Sinterklaas activity using magnetic tiles, here’s a delightful idea for you.
Creating a Sinterklaas stoomboot (steam boat or traditional boat) and houses with Magblox magnetic tiles is a fantastic idea to promote creativity and expand imaginative play.
The magnetic aspect adds an extra layer of engagement for children while building, enhancing both fine motor skills and spatial awareness. Incorporating a cultural or festive theme, like Sinterklaas, adds an educational aspect to the play, providing an opportunity to learn about traditions and stories in an engaging manner.
We thoroughly adorned our magnetic tile Sinterklaas boat and houses with stickers, transforming them into a captivating centerpiece for the celebratory feast. This endeavor went beyond mere decoration; it became a labor of love, infusing the entire space with the rich traditions and whimsy associated with the joyous Sinterklaas festivities.

Enjoy the festive construction!


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