Celebrate Pakjesavond by hosting a modest feast for your little ones.
Immerse your kids in the enchantment of the Sinterklaas season by creating a vibrant Pakjesavond feast. Transform the atmosphere with an array of colors, decorations, and Sinterklaas-themed elements. Set the place with a visually appealing table adorned with festive hues and lively decorations. Treat them to a delightful spread featuring an assortment of kruidnoten and Sinterklaas chocolates. This colorful Pakjesavond feast is not just a celebration but a magical experience that will leave your kids brimming with joy and the spirit of Sinterklaas.

Our evening started with a casual pizza dinner just before the anticipated visit from Sinterklaas. The excitement reached its peak when Sinterklaas knocked on our door, and my boys eagerly unwrapped their presents with pure joy and happiness, making it a memorable and festive occasion for the whole family.


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